Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm feeling...

better today. Remarkably, despite being as sick as the proverbial mutt I've not been drawn to daytime tv. Phew, at least the power to live has not yet fled, which probably means I'll be okay and am through the worst. I posted this last year and really haven't changed my opinion regarding the mindnumbing banality daytime television represents. D/tv reminds me of those straws used by ancient Egyptian embalmers to suck brain from the skulls of dead Pharoahs.

Don't get me wrong my criticism is not of the audience, it's of the producers for making this crap.

I'm going to lie down.



Hayden said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're sick doll.. get better soon. Don't watch too much Oprah (all though she is in touch with your spirit I'm sure...)

DCveR said...

C'mon! The audience is to blame! You wouldn't eat some rocks and some pesticide instead of toast and tea only because it was served to you, would you? Producers make crappy TV because that's what the audience wants. We used to have a good TV channel here in Portugal (although it's also going down the drain), with quality programs mostly focused on culture (arts, science, history, etc...). Their ratings? Low as low gets. Most people don't want quality TV! Then there are those of us who don't want any TV at all... but that is a different tale.
Oooopppsss. Sorry for posting on your comment box. Do get well soon. Take care

Dan Flynn said...


Thank you for the smiley face. Why is it on its side? Are you drunk?


Can't do daytime tv. I fear too much for my soul and my will to live.


I think tv has a more sophisticated relationship with it's audience. Plus I think that people don't take too well to dumbing down. Here in the UK programme's like Mastermind and University Challenge are superior general knowledge quizes that get good audience figures as do the wildlife shows. The biggest audiences are for the soap operas but I put that down to people being too knackered after a hard day at work to turn the channel over.


Anonymous said...

What were you sick with Dan? I'm glad you're better.

Speaking of's the dregs of the dregs we get here most weekends...strangely, during the week, there are some good things...but who watches during the week??

When I'm at my siblings in America, there are so many choices, all kinds of channels, history, science, art, old movies, cooking...oh boy, tv bliss.

Dan Flynn said...


It was a bit of food poisoning that laid me low for nearly a week. Very unpleasant I can tell you and entailed horrible stomach cramps and much poohing but I'll spare you the finer details.