Wednesday, December 08, 2004

There's much to be angry about, much to stand up for.

I've been reading Riverbend's blog from Bagdad and she writes movingly of the tragedy of Falooja. Yet still Blair and Bush get away with it. The horror's these two santimonious arses visit on the Iraqi people are breathtaking, literally. Next March there are to be demonstrations across the world opposing the occupation of Iraq. I went on the great demonstration of 2 million in London on February 15th last year and expect the demo in March 05 to be large and lively. There is much to be angry about, much to stand up for.

I was talking to my friend Amanda who is a teacher and is exhausted by these shitty school inspectors who have been in sneering at everything she does. In my workplace the inspectors have just finished. They didn't sneer though they did look down their noses at me. Bastards!

In the UK it sometimes feels like a pressure cooker. Tremendous anger and bitterness over the corrupt Blair and his rich friends and a generalised feeling that change must happen. However the steam keeps powering through small cracks here and there. Social Workers in Liverpool on all out strike, government workers balloting for a national strike, a demonstration by students in Cardiff, the build up for the demo in March next year. Sometimes it feels like a big change is coming. And not before time.

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