Friday, July 01, 2005

In work first thing...

yesterday morning to find a large fly at my desk calling itelf "Norm." He was gambling online and I expressed some concern, especially as it was 8:30 in the morning. Norm said "Baby, after spending all day eating shit a little recreation helps takes your mind off the fact. Pass me that ashtray will you?" I said, "This is about the fridge isn't it?" And he gave me a long cool look.

In my old workplace the fridge was clean, sterile, it was a barren place of no hope ruled by the lactose intolerant and heaving with neatly folded notes and instructions. Everything was squared off, each shelf indexed and coded. Just under the little light sat a row of desks where the minerally deficient listened to lectures about allergies and wheat flora. I even listened once to a talk called "Why taste gives you syphilis.". Plainly not a place to store food or anything nice. It had door hinges that prayed. That fridge was so straight it took communion at mass on Sunday mornings and last summer saved two small children from drowning in a local park. It was a sanctimonious little fucker.

This new office fridge is of a completely different water. For a start we can't close the door because the seal is twisted and it's only got two shelves, well one shelf and the bottom. It's hinges are rusted and will pull any unbraced shoulder right from that socket. And when opened it makes a "Fuck, not again." noise like its really bothered. We love it.

So Norm fixes me with his multi faceted eye and says. "Those fridges are unsafe." So I say, "In what way." And he says, "A few of us have received obscene texts from the mould that's taken up in there." "What mould." I say and he says, "The one who does racing tips." I say, "I don't gamble so haven't noticed." He says "Go and have a look." So I go to the fridge and there it is chalking up the odds on some race or other that's about to start. I come away quickly when a small glaring crowd shout "DOOR!"

I gave Norm's multi whatsit a good glare and said. "Fucking top fridge Norm. Live with it." And he says, "I've left the petition on your desk"


Icylyrics said...

Norm sounds like one hell of a guy

Dan Flynn said...

Hey, Norm had issues.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Ahhhh Dan is back in fine form. Door hinges that prayed.
Gee, you're good.

Hilarious observer of life and all it's little indignities.

He left the petition for you to sign?

Hahaha...poetic justice.

Another protest for you, Dan.

Dan Flynn said...


Hope the cold's better. And by the way, not a word of this blog is untrue!

Hayden said...

I want to know what the petition said.

Dan Flynn said...

The petition turned out to be a betting slip that clearly exposed Norm's motives. Yup he owed the mould some sick. Office politics can be such a dirty business.

Hayden said...

figures. i say never trust a fly with an attitude.

Hayden said...

you say 'he called himself Norm.' Bet he was lying about that, too.

Dan Flynn said...

He really was called Norm. He showed me one of those biometric cards Blair's trying to foist on the rest of us. It had an amber centre within which was trapped his old dad, frozen forever on his favourite poo. I thought it quite touching.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...just be careful Dan. I've heard of Ozzie the Mozzie with his 'right to bite'. Norm might just feel he has a case for litigation if he gets a bad tip-off.