Thursday, May 10, 2007


I lost the comment facility on yesterday's post below.

Bugger. I've no idea where it went. I hate this technical stuff. I am to technical stuff what the rain was to Noah's ark. Of absolutely no use whatsoever, in fact even a little dangerous.

Hey! I found it again. Am I not a genius?

Phew. Well, that's another life crisis dealt with. Dusts off hands and moves on purposefully.


Hayden said...

I hate hate hate computers. They are always lying in wait, ready to trip me up.

Dan Flynn said...


I really like pc's even though I know bugger all about how they really work. My anxieties arise because their innards are so alien to me. For instance you can't take the back off and poke around, or spray some oil in, or twiddle with wires, so when they go wrong I generally don't know where to even start.


Hayden said...

I like what pcs can DO. I don't like THEM. And I don't like the fact that they do far more for everyone else than they do for me. Harumph.

I'm immune from the need/desire to twiddle with mechanical things; it's not expected of females so I don't feel obligated to know. But with pcs we are all supposed to be able to manage them with absolute sangfroid. Not me. Unflappable around misbehaving computers isn't me. I'm utterly flappable.

I suspect that, like Hal, they are only waiting their chance to eliminate us.