Tuesday, May 17, 2005

George Galloway...

has been on the news all day giving it what for to a US Senate Committee. It was good to see him attacking those sanctimonious bastards, stating he met the monster Hussien twice in the name of peace, unlike Rumsfeldt who met him twice in the cause of war. And all that before he exposed the many forged documents they are using for evidence plus the fact that Ahmed Chalabi, a convicted fraudster is one of their main witnesses. These cronies of Bush are so arrogant they can't even be bothered to cover their tracks. I imagine it's not just us in Europe who were cheering Galloway today, North and South I suspect many American's were too.

Not far from my home there's a high school. Poking out from the fence is a single rape seed plant. The European Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) gives farming subsidies to grow rape seed for cooking oil, hence it's popularity. In large scale fields its yellow flower achieves an impressive appearance chequered against the many shades of country green. A single seed escapes conformity and journeys into town, possibly on one of the heavy lorries used recently in the school's redevelopment. Now it peeks through new blue railings and they set each other off rather well I think.

1 comment:

Mimi NY said...

George Galloway... Dan, d'you know a guy called dennis houlihan? UN, Microsoft... any dirt you can give me please do.