Thursday, October 13, 2005

A recent photograph showing a...

gorilla fording a stream seems to have caused a stir. Zoologists, anthropologists, astrologists, arthopods, neuropods and sennapods worldwide were in such a flap because the creature is seen testing the water's depth with a stick. Not one expert mentioned the ipod or for that matter the Blackberry in the creature's left hand. Indeed a video of the event shows him clearly speaking with his broker in London.

Gorilla, "Charles love, I want you to move ten thousand out of teak, hmm hmm, yes teak. And yes darling I am standing in a river, it's sweet I know, I've got a stick you see so shan't fall in. Mm mm, what into love? Hang on, wait a moment." Calls out to other gorilla resting on shooting stick at water's edge flicking through the Racing Times. "Freddy, I say Freddy, out of teak into what?"
Gorilla on stick looks up. "Is that Charles? Tell him no dollars, not whilst that buffoon Bush remains in the White House. Say we'll take anything out of Shanghai. And ask him who's going to win the 3.30 at Kowloon."
First Gorilla still casually poking water, "Charles dear did you hear that? We'll take anything out of Shanghai. Can you organise it in Euro's? Such a lovely currency, lots of stars. You can? You're such a love. Oh and by the way, Freddy wants to know if you've a tip for the 3.30 at Kowloon? What? Mucky Meg, and it's a cert you say. Jolly good. Got to go old chap one of the zoologists has started to wet himself so I'd better do a bit more of the stick thing. Yes, they are so easy to impress I know. Love to Jocasta. Mwah, mwah."



DCveR said...

This comes as a great disappointment, sad to say.
I mean, paparazzi stalking on movie stars are one thing, but filming the private life of ordinary gorillas is way beyond the line! Those gorillas are entitled to their privacy! How can you go along with this!?!?!
Mucky Meg, he said?

Dan Flynn said...


I think the gorilla's are on to to us, sort of feeding us new stuff at their leisure. However there are lots of questions still unanswered, for instance was the g testing the depth or was it identifying the rusty supermarket trolley and bike frame to the Greenpeace rep opposite? And yes Mucky Meg did come in but the odds were short so I placed my house on Mincer Mogson favourite to win which is why I'm typing this from beneath a piece of old cardboard at the roadside.


Dianne Fossey? Wasn't she killed by a stampeding film crew?

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I don't see what the big fuss is all about, we've had Pigs driving minibuses here for years!!!

Dan Flynn said...


Animals huh? Can't live with em, can't live without em, especially the ones working in public transport.