Thursday, February 07, 2013

Dung beetles navigate...

by starlight says latest study.

"It's true." Says Valerie Dungbeetle, pictured. "Pushing shit can play havoc with the back which is why it's important to keep a straight line. And we've been in the shit business for a long time, so we know. Why only last week my cousin Vinnie Dungbeetle confused by the asteroid flypass stumbled, the ball rolled back, Vinnie got stuck in the moist and off they went down the sand dune, all antennae, flailing legs and crazy bug eyes spinning into the darkness. I mean, he wasn't a pretty sight to begin with. Not seen him since nor expect to. It's a tough profession. Some say it's shit. And they're right. It's why I'm a Darwinist, incidentally. No God, no matter how focused on the detail could dream us up."


Vest said...

Dan. Gay Dung Beetles are more better at the job and derive more pleasure from the experience. So I have been told.

Dan Flynn said...

Not sure what the sexuality of dung beatles are. Just know that on a Friday night you'd have to bathe in aftershave to mask that smell. Then again, I suspect your dung beatle enjoys the whiff of, er, dung.