Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Was texted today...

by my mother from St Peter's Square in Rome. She texted me to say how hot it was and then broke off. The next message said she had just been blessed, though I suspect as part of an enormous crowd rather than on a personal level. The pope believes in bulk.

Modern technology never fails to impress me. I mean my 75 year old mother txts me from the Vatican City and I receive the message almost immediately any delay being caused not by technology but a blessing. Wondrous technology is also used to persuade us that the old shit John Paul is not dead and turning whiffy. I texted mam observing that in such a large crowd the pope can be easily identified as he'd be the main one drooling. With all that saliva I bet they're careful he doesn't short circuit. Or maybe he does, a controlled dribble might just fire those arm muscles sufficiently to produce an approximation of a wave. He waves, he's not dead, QED.

They'll be telling us next that Elvis has passed on.

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