Friday, June 09, 2006

Right then...

I am over the theft of my camera. Been thinking of blogs. So, from tomorrow a Frankenstein tale in three parts. It will have monsters (maybe more than one), supermarkets (only one), bottle and paper banks (one of each), little children (of course), redemption for the righteous and ridicule for the er, unrighteous.

Until tomorrow then. Hi ho Silver and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


DCveR said...

Man! Sorry to know about your camera.
Frankenstein? Nice, that should sheer me up, thanks.

Hayden said...

waiting with anticipation....

Dan Flynn said...


Yeah, I was so pissed off last weekend. Got over it tho, nothing I can do about it so I've moved on. Still a shitty thing to happen.


I'm getting back into the groove. Must be the beautiful weather we're having. Hope it's good for you too in California.


Hayden said...

ahh, I'm in Northern California, which never makes up its mind to be warm for long. Fogged in and never crawled past 60 degrees.

glad you're having great weather and your mood is lifting to match -

Dan Flynn said...


This North California, it is in the Sunshine State, isn't it? I think you should ask for your money back.