Sunday, June 04, 2006

Boo hoo...

my beautiful camera that I loved more than life itself has been stolen. On Friday my car was broken into and the camera taken from the boot. Je suis desole.

It was a hot day, the merciless sun beat down on dry earth, flitting flies licked salt from parched skin. My heart tripped to the beat of Friday's song, a freedom song, an anticipatory song, a weekend song. Music by Sergio Leone infused the shimmering landscape and at every corner sat unshaven men on dusty burros furtively watching from beneath wide brimmed hats. Streams of brown gob streaked the pavement and frightened children hid in their mother's skirts. It was going to be a top weekend, I could tell. Then tragedy struck.

Whilst visiting a house someone broke into my car and rifled the boot; camera gone, mobile phone gone. The weekend suddenly cloudy.

Je suis tres desole.

In consolation my friend Karen fed me gin and tonic with ice and lemon. It helped.


Dan Flynn said...

Thank you Sarah, commiserations gratefully accepted.


that foto, are you camping, in the rain? The look is soooo English.

Hayden said...

alas - it's our loss as well. no Monday pics. :(

Annie said...

Booo! Absolutely gutted for you, Dan. Was it insured? Will you be able to get another one?

Dan Flynn said...


Alas indeed. Alas indeed. I'm philosophical about it, though pissed off as well. Won't be able to afford a new one for some time to come. Got some debts that have to be paid off first. Bugger!


My fully comp car insurance doesn't cover contents except for the first £100. However if I'd taken the £100 the no claims goes. So I'm stuck, sans camera. It annoys me that the young sods who stole it, I knew who they were but could not prove anything, will have sold it for £40. It is such a pisser.