Wednesday, June 22, 2005

There's a dog barking...

outside. Make's me think of Gary Larson's dogs who are all really thick. Yup, dogs are dim. Some time in distant history they saddled themselves with us. Been downhill all the way for dogs since then.


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Ahhh, someone in the world agrees with me about constantly barking dogs.

The Brazilians' dogs behind us are paranoid critters. The Surinamese princess's dogs across the road are thick, dull things that bark constantly.

I think it just shows how inconsiderate people can be. Either that, or dogs really are just like their owners.

Dan Flynn said...

Yap, yap, yap, yap. Barking dogs, got no conversation, got no intellect. Yap, yap, yap. Gyal, have you seen Gary Larson's cartoons, they're really good. One is of two adults talking to their dog who is sitting watching them. The human speach bubble addresses the dog with a long speech full of detail. Above the sitting dog is a hearing bubble full of, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The dog don't understand a word of it. Dogs are dim. Though not as dim as sheep. It seems sheep represent a base line in animal dimness, mind you they don't make much noise, which puts them above dogs in my view.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Gary Larson? The Far Side guy? He's a trip!

I can think of a few animals more dumb than sheep. Our mini-bus drivers.