Friday, June 17, 2005


this last fortnight life's candle has been burning me at both ends, not even enough time to blog, fortunately the tide of busyness has again receded so I'm back proper on Monday. Before I go, here's something that I like and something that's really been getting on my nerves. There's a new version of Martha and the Muffins' "Echo Beach" by a band called Vanderkill currently sounding out on UK radio, it is so good. Unlike the putrid efforts of someone called James Blunt whose current single would win prizes in a competition based on how many sickbags a normal person might fill if severely provoked. I plan to dwell on this further after the weekend.


Dan Flynn said...

la bona, darling I beleive in a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. Simple as that really.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Dan! You're back! How's life been treating you? I was sure you'd gotten lost in French classes and book writing.

Can you hum that song for me please? I'll have to catch the British hit parade on Sunday or listen eternally to the radio to hear it.

Um...Dan, did you hear about the singing / dancing garbage bins over in Cambridge?

My view on abortion?

I dunno. With some issues I vacillate, but I've been supportive of 2 gal pals who had abortions and turned to me for support.

P.S. Never heard that Muslims are anti-contraceptive.