Sunday, March 11, 2007

A tale of...


The other week I was returning, drunk, from a friend's house when my right knee, which has been causing problems since September, went. When I say went I don't mean it actually went, that would be difficult given I'm as attached to it as it is to me. I could say the knee gave but that would make it seem philanthropic and it is not, unless it's a secret philanthropist giving my money away. No, I'd notice. Either way, the knee's now gonna get it. Went to see the man on Thursday and the man said MRI. Apparently, you stick your leg in this machine and if it likes the cut of your jib it'll take photos of your insides. DO YOU HEAR THAT KNEE!

To teach the knee who's master I bought a bike. Oh yes. Lately though I've been woken at night by the knees arguing. The left knee, which attends mass every Sunday and prays to the holy saints, remonstrates with the errant knee for not pulling its weight, for not doing it's Christian duty. The right knee drinks at weekends and smokes cheroots. The right knee is a bad sort.

Today I biked approximately 10 miles. The left knee crossed itself at every church we passed, the right knee who now knows what's coming, was in a huff. Currently the right knee is aching, as I am.

On Thursday the man said they'd probably use a keyhole for the surgery, I'd have preferred a scalpel. Now I'm as worried as the knee but I'm not letting on.


Annie said...

Ouch! ouch! ouch!

Sorry, not helping probably. Wish it better xxx

(it is quite exciting getting photos taken of your insides though. Do you get to keep them afterwards?)

Dan Flynn said...


In reality I'm Northern Man, I laugh in the face of pain, spit in the eye of agony, gob on the nose of discomfort and if it wasn't for my scrunched up face and tears I'd also kick in the knackers of anguish.

Boo hoo hoooo...

But I am brave, sniff...

K. Restoule said...

Hi Dan. Thanks for visiting my little spot on the Interweb. I read your questions and I'll write a "My part of the World" post for you.

Thanks again for dropping by.

Annie said...

What I am about to say may sound like techie nonsense, but anyway...
I am trying to use Bloglines to tell me when people have updated (usually use Google Reader but it seems temperamental and randomly snubs certain blogs for no apparent reason)but your feed is not working!!

It appears on your feed in Bloglines that you have not posted since November 2006, and we KNOW that's not right. Anyway, thought you might like to know... in other words,your feed is broken.

Hayden said...

if it's not the knee, it's the feed. sigh.

speaking of which, hope that knives, scalpels and such don't put you off of your feed.

I hear that it's almost a walk in the park now. without the walking part of course. no sutures. Just a spot of glue and you'll be back together and just like new!

Dan Flynn said...


My pleasure re the visit to your blog. I've put a link so others can follow the path - it leads out west, past the petunias and just beyond the back fence - at least I think that's where Canada is.


We've sorted this business via e-mail. And aren't we the efficient ones.



This keyhole business includes cameras and tubes and stuff. The man said they'd put some new fluid into my knee. Replace the old stuff, like a change of oil. Well good.
