Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yesterday's radio...

for some reason mentioned that Jesus only fed the five thousand after the original caterers had pulled out. When the crowd left he ordered a clean up (the original cleaners had pulled out) and dispatched apostles, John, Peter and the hirsute one, Matty. They collected so much food that Jesus ordered the crowd back and remonstrated with them for being ungrateful. He said.

"Verily, thee are so ungrateful no one is leaving until all your plates are clean."

The crowd, by this time again hungry nodded in agreement for there was amongst them not one who would turn down a free meal.

Having eaten their fill they buggered off.

Jesus, who clearly hated a mess called again on the apostles to tidy up, this time however the piles of wasted food were higher so he ordered everyone back. The returning crowd, knowing a good thing when they see it brought friends and relatives who set about the mountains of food with some abandon. Having filled their stomachs those who could departed. Some from the previous occasions lay about groaning.

And lo, Jesus eyed the mess and said to his apostles clean that up. Using brooms Gerry, Francine and the gang collected all the food into a mound whose size was greater than the great pyramid at Giza and Jesus said, fetch the crowd back. By now word was getting around and the crowd had grown to over 50,000, not including the bloated and the infirm.

Jesus, for it was he said "Verily, no one is leaving until all this food is gone. And I mean it this time."

"Wey hey!" Roared the crowd and proceeded to scoff to their hearts content. Eventually they dispersed excepting those who could not move or were dead.

Jesus's order to his apostles to break out the bin bags provoked Darren 'the mild mannered' to exclaim,

"For fucks sake,"

But they did as they were bid.

After one week had passed the apostles stood before a pile of leftovers so high it blotted out the sun. And Jesus said,

"This isn't working is it?"

Apostle Jeanette cried, "No lord."

Jesus slapped his forehead and said, "Why have I not thought of this before? Fetch all the goats in Galilee for they shall clean up the mess."

And lo, all the goats in Galilee were fetched and beheld this mighty Eiger and knew it was good, for they were goats. And thus did an Alp become low as food became shit. For this is the goat way. And only afterward did Jesus address his disciples thus,

"What a shit heap. Get tidying."

And lo, they did.


Hayden said...

well, now! that's as tidy a bit of gospel as I've seen in a long time. Not that I've looked.

a few flies and a bit of a smell, but tidy.

Dan Flynn said...


And lo it came to pass that the goats did satisfy Jesus and all was well in Galilee and a strike by refuse staff was averted. Amen.

K. Restoule said...

So thos took place before jesus became a Vampire Hunter?

Hayden said...

"lo it came to pass that the goats did satisfy Jesus"

ahem. pardon me?

Dan Flynn said...

Hey, K,

Didn't spot that Buffy connection. Jesus as vampire hunter? Hmmm I think there's a novel in there somewhere.


Now, no smut please. You know I don't like smut on my blog. However, now you mention it goats are very satisfying creatures. Or so I've been told.

Anonymous said...

Methinks you forgot to mention the last line.

(See Galatians 4:16)

Dan Flynn said...


aint the internet a wonderful thing? I looked up Galatians as you can see below. Didn't get the connection tho. Enlighten me.

"Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?" Galatians 4.16