Sunday, May 21, 2006

Me and my mate Sean...

have been transforming my little yard. It has rained so much today that we didn't manage to complete it. I'm seeking that Babylon look, sort of abundance without the ostentation. Ha ha. The photo was taken by me hanging out of the bathroom window.


DCveR said...

You know cats will use this photo to plan their final attack on your backyard don't you?

Annie said...

Dcver, ha!

It's looking good - lucky you to have a little yard - but we needed a "before" and "after" shot to compare really, what was it like before?

Hayden said...

lucky you - no weeding to do!

Dan Flynn said...


Ha ha, I bought a sonic cat repeller. Mentioned it a couple of blogs ago. It's the mega size, came with a couple of car batteries for extra ooomph. No cats in that yard. No sireee.


Got no 'before' photos except to say that the walls used to be dirty grey and the place was full of rubbish including an old boiler. Now it's a veritable garden of eden.


Yup no weeding however there is a fair deal of 'slugging' to be done. Today bought a carton of Sluggokill pellets, for killing slugs. My mate Sean dissaproves of my scorched earth attitude to garden pests. Tho I don't.

Dan Flynn said...


The beer thing I like, the slugs, hmmm not so much. I read somewhere about things called nematodes that are tiny creatures who live in the soil and eat slugs. I'm gonna buy a gross of nematodes. I'd buy a flamethrower as well but suspect in my tiny yard it would do more harm than good.

I've bought some lanterns from IKEA and I gonna pass on the lettuce front. No point in encouraging the slugs.

Buffy said...

I wish I had a yard.


Dan Flynn said...


Ah, a little yard is a good thing. Of course I'd like a proper garden. Maybe I'm building myself up, sort of starting with a yard first. Actually this is not true, I've had this yard for fifteen years. Most probably I'm a yard man.