Monday, October 09, 2006

I really like beetroot...

pickled or otherwise. I'm a lover of all things pickled except sparrows. Once in Cyprus I happened upon a shop with jars of what I took to be misshapen pickled eggs. The owner said they were pickled sparrows. Returning to the UK I feverishly sought out pickling books but found no mention of the humble sparrow. Recently sparrows in the UK have been in decline, much to the puzzlement of scientists. Hmmm. Might be time to look once more in the pickling section of my local bookshop. Might find an answer, save sparrows, maybe win a prize. Become known as Sparrow Dan.

Maybe not.


Hayden said...

well, pickled meat has a following I guess. not that there is much meat on a sparrow. We've plenty of "English Sparrows" here, wouldn't mind sending some your way.

DCveR said...

Never tasted pickled meat. Wouldn't mind trying it though, I love pickles too.

Dan Flynn said...


Don't talk too loud. The sparrow thing is becoming a real issue. London has lost 30-40% of its sparrows in the last few years and no one seems to know why. There's been some discussion about pesticides killing insects and other stuff but they seem no nearer to solving the problem.


As Homer Simpson might say, "Hmmmm pickles." Re pickled meat the Germans have a nice dish where you boil up some vinegar, water and spices including ginger, star anise, cumin, pepper, garlic, bay, and other stuff. Then you put a joint of beef into the liquid and let it stand for a week. After a week the meat is roasted via the usual method then you have slices of pickled beef. Absolutely mouth watering. I'll pass on the recipe if you wish.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the sparrows are reappearing as pickle in Cyprus.

In Guyana the Portuguese do a thing called garlic pork, it's a kind of a pickle I think.

Dan Flynn said...


If those sparrows are flying to Cyprus to be pickled that doesn't strike me as a clever thing to do. More fool them I think.

Buffy said...

I hate all things pickled. (Except pickles, of course. And red cabbage in a that pickled? I'm not sure.)

And I think beetroot tastes suspiciously like leaves, dead and wet.

Dan Flynn said...


Red cabbage in a jar is pickled. And I think you're right about there being something earthy about beetroot nevertheless I like it still.

Unpickled beetroot cut into chunks is nice in a green salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing. It adds a sweetness.

Hmm, I'm hungry now.

Anonymous said...

Poor sparrows, it's almost as hidious as lark's tongues!
I too love beetroot and that German pickled beef receipe, hmmmm mouth-watering indeed ~ are you a cook Dan Flynn?

Dan Flynn said...


I'm not a cook but I enjoy cooking. I'm blessed with a decent size kitchen in which I have my dining table that way my friends can sit drink and talk whilst I cook. As for the pickled beef it's a German recipe from a friend whose parents are German though she is English.

Cooking is a real pleasure to me and I cook every day and absolutely never eat ready meals. Except packets of flavoured golden rice or flavoured cous cous. Think I'm attracted by the chemical taste of that type of dried food. Odd I know but hey, we can't all be kitchen saints...