Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I was raised a catholic...

and am almost certain in the 1960's Vatican II did away with venial sin, mortal sin and Purgatory. This is apropos of me pondering if the Pope would spend time in Purgatory on his way to heaven. I'm fairly sure it was purged, forty years ago. If so, what happened to all the poor buggers stuck there at the time? Purging purgatory is quite the cancellation, and do the residents know? For instance there might still be crowds watching the departure boards in Purgatory Central but this time for a plane no longer destined to leave. If it was me I'd be a tad pissed off, especially on hearing yet another post V2 Pope was being ushered directly through customs.

And another thing how come his feet are so small? I watched the bearers remove his carcass, the man had tiny feet and anyone who's visited the Bronte Museum in Howarth to see Emily's shoes will know what I mean. We are talking seriously small here. Perhaps Papa JP and Emily shared the same cobbler. It can't be true, the Bronte's cobbler must have died years ago, before Vatican II in fact and therefore is most likely still stuck in Purgatory watching the departure lists like everyone else. Bet its annoying to see his design for tiny shoes reach heaven before he did. It seems to me though that whoever made those shoes missed a trick because they could have stuffed the heels with drugs. Hey, who would have the nerve to pat down a newly dead pope? With a partner in heaven as the only dealer it'd be a license to print money.

One further thought occurs, given it's 40 years since Purgatory was cancelled I bet they've run out of nibbles in the bar. The catastrophe of cancellation would wrong-foot most caterers lets face it and once the snacks had gone the place truly would be purgatory.

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