Friday, April 22, 2005

It is 5pm...

on Friday afternoon.

Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Sent a note to Mimi in NY and JohnnyFarOut, who's far out in the great Western US of A. I'd put in links but still haven't learned how to. Made me think that they're hours and hours behind Europe so it's still lunchtime or breakfast time for them. Be nice if it was possible to get stuck in Friday eve. Enjoy it here in the UK, shoot off to NY then further west. Spend all my money on booze and food and restaurants and mates and fun and Friday and booze. Hmm, using this method I wonder how long a weekend could last?

I love Friday evening more than any other evening because it's the furthest away from Monday it's possible to be. I think of Spring in similar terms, for me Spring is the Friday of the seasonal world, and the furthest it's possible to be from the miserable other end. An old mate Lisa used to say I should embrace winter, learn to enjoy its fickle pleasures, its subtleties. FUCK THAT! Winter is gloomy and dark, and miserable and shite and sad, and cold and wet, and dark and miserable and shite and sad and cold and wet and... oops, got stuck for a moment there. Tonight in Manchester there's a warm sun and a wonderful soft light, which is remarkable for a town where we don't often see what's above the clouds. It rained for so long once that people forgot the colour blue and many mistook the round yellow thing for a bottle top from which something was about to pour. As a result people in Manchester ducked everywhere in the expectation of matters unpleasant falling on their heads. Then came science which taught us that the sun was an object many miles from here and so we had no reason to be frightened. A wary few still holding to the old ways can be identified by their enormous hats and poor posture.


Mimi NY said...

and now it must be about midnight... getting my visa application off, finally, let's hope St-- Sk------ hasn't fiddled aorund teh assholes. Would have been off on Monday if I hadn't had to retype so many damned letters. Ho hum. Another weekend, another pitching to newspapers session. Actually got an email from carlos - apologising for being so distant and telling me he's been having major trauma with the ex recently. Seems the honest approach did it's magic... don't think anything will happen, but at least I know he's a decent guy, and I need all the friends I can get at the moment! My brother has started reading this blog now - he thinks your humor is great, and I agree. x

Dan Flynn said...

Ah, thanks mate. Glad Carlos has been in touch, though remember to be firm. That dithering thing I mentioned before is like being with a lion in a cage. You need a good whip and a chair to keep the fucker at bay or it'll be all over you. Don't spare the whip is what I say. Oooh Matron! Fucking hell Mimi, here I am dishing out Dr Dan's messages of calm. Hope you don't mind. It's a bit cheeky really. The journo thing is a bugger, I bet, but you are a talented writer, just read the comments you receive. I know comments don't put bread on the table but they do count nevertheless. All current experiences are grist to your word mill, and lets thank the high heavens you're in current day NY and not some TB infested pre WW1 Paris garrett. Have you seen La Traviata? Jeeze,in the opera form you women always get it first! Incidentally I'm forever impressed with the final arias these characters belt out from lungs rotten with illness, and how they croak just as the last note whispers them into God's great auditorium.

I've just dabbed a tear from my eye.